Frequently Asked Questions
General questions
Installation note in case of crash at startup
What's the development tool used to develop UR30?
Race Manager
How to customize racing panes?
Detection does not work properly on XP/2000/NT. How to fix it?
Is UR30 compliant with the Scalextric RMS?
UR30 does not count laps correctly. Help!!!
I faced crashes in a shared tournament today with Windows ME on my old laptop (P266).
What is the optimum size for UR driver and car avatars?
Is it possible to use a serial port or two parallel port to manage 8 lanes?
How can I change the number of configuration bulls/pinions in the slot car view?
So far I did not find a way to display the current fuel level during the race. Is there a way?
How to connect LEDs on parallel port?
Track layout editor
Scalex Sport Track library is missing :(
How to merge several track libraries together?
Track lengths are not correctly converted from meters to feet
Why can't I copy the track layout into the picture screen of the race setup?
I was unable to find where the texture section is described in the help file?
Important installation note if crash at startup
Change UR30 folder permissions after softwareinstallation to avoid crash at startup. Allow full control to all users on UR30 folder and subfolders as follow:
- open Windows Explorer as administrator
- right click on UR30 installation folder "c:\program files\racer30" (or x86 for W7 users)
- allow full permissions to all users on these folders (database, examples, library, media, report, temp, wizzard): full control, as described below

Detection does not work properly on XP/2000/NT. How to fix it
Go on the "Setup pane" to visualize the parallel port status. Pins switch in green or gray when their status change.
- check the parallel port address : should be the same as the parallel port address specified in the hardware configuration panel. Ex : LPT1 is usually 0x378.
Configuration panel -> System -> Hardware -> Ports -> Parallel port -> Properties -> Resources
- check the software running mode is XP/2000/NT. Check racer30.exe properties in UR30 installation folder. It must not run in mode W95 or W98.
First start fails. I get a runtime error. What's up?
UR30 is installed in "c:\program files\racer30" folder. It's a Windows legacy rule. The access rights to such a folder are now highly protected and restricted. That's another Windows legacy rule.
On some computers UR30 has been installed by Windows users who do not have full control on this folder (usually non-administrators users). So UR30 hangs as soon as it tries to write some data inside its installation folder.
So here are several workarounds to get rid off this error message (close UR30 before starting anything)
- clean up Windows registries as mentioned in attached document: "UR30 clean up registries"
1 – start RegEdit from Windows Start -> Menu ;:

2 – open « software » registry

3 – delete below selected entries if any (select + click on delete)
- Ultimate Racer

- UR30

UR30ToolbarXXX registries

4– from the Explorer ;: delete racer30.ini file if any : (from c:\windows or c:\winnt)

- install UR30 as administrator and allow everyone to use it
- run UR30 as administrator (eg: right click on its icon to do so)
- if still an error, change "c:\program files\racer30" and its subfolders rights => full control, as described below

- and if still an error, install UR30 in a non legacy folder, like c:\myfolder. Then recopy your data from the old folder to the new installed one (basically the database folder)
How to extract UR30 data
UR30 uses a SQLite database. This database is available in the installation folder .\racer\database\slotcar30.db.
This database is not protected.It can be opened with any office tool like Excel or MS Access using the SQLite ODBC driver.
Caution : manual change of data inside the database may break data consistency and cause program failures.
Thus always backup the database before doing any changes. Check carefully table relations before.
Some database predefined queries such as RaceLapList can be used to easily extract all race lap details.
UR30 uses a SQLite database. This database is available in the installation folder .\racer\database\slotcar30.db. This database is not protected.It can be opened with any office tool like Excel or MS Accessusing the SQLite ODBC driver. Caution : manual change of data inside the database may break data consistency and cause program failures. Thus always backup the database before doing any changes. Check carefully table relations before. Some database predefined queries such as RaceLapList can be used to easily extract all race lap details. |
How to customize racing panes? 1 - Go into : Configure Hardware & Circuit -> General 2 - select either Header to customize Headers or Race pane to customize race panes 3 - select the pane you want to customize 4 - click twice on the pane to switch to UR30 editor and edit the pane 5 - change the pane at your convenience : click twice on an object pane to change its race mode behavior property. 6 - the list of race object pane properties are fully detailed in UR30 documentation |
UR30 does not count laps correctly. Help!!! 1 - check you're using the latest release of UR30. 2 - open "Setup" View. The parallel port status is displayed on the top right side of the view. Check the pin switch between green and gray when a slot car is detected or not. If it works, go to section 4. 3 - check the parallel port address (usually 0x378 but may change on some other boxes). Enable its use if not done. If the address is correct and the port is enabled... there is a issue with the hardware. 4 - good new : UR30 is able to detect parallel port events. Now check the minimal lap count (near the circuit name). It is in milliseconds. It depends on the average duration of your laps. Ex : if your best last is around 4 secs, then put 3000 in Min. lap. This is an anti-cheater feature. Any laps below minlap are nor counted in order to avoid cheating... 5 - do you use the sensors correctly? The first lap is never counted. It's used to initialize the lap counter. Only the following laps will be counted. Thus always put the slot car before the sensor before starting a race. 6 - check the pin number corresponds to the right lane. You should from the "Race setup" view the led switching between green and gray when a slot car is detected on the lane. The pin number attached to a lane should correspond to the parallel port pin status. |
Is UR30 compliant with Scalextric RMS? Yes, it is. Enable the RMS sensor in the hardware setup. |
What is the optimum size for UR driver and car avatars? Slotcar picture size is 278x175 width x height pixels. Driver picture size is 255x245 width x height pixels. BUT that's not really critical. UR30 always keeps the original picture width/height ratio and resize the original picture to make it fit as best as possible the available space. U can test ;) |
Is it possible to use a serial port or two parallel port to manage 8 lanes? Current revision of UR30 can not manage 8 lanes with the serial port but parallel port does. With rev 3.0.25. Configure the parallel port as Centronix port in the bios, then UR30 handles pins 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Otherwise, use 2 parallel ports. Default managed input pins : 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15. Parallel port pins 2 to 9 are always handled as output pins (eg : external lane power supply control or external light control).
How can I change the number of configuration bulls/pinions in the slot car view? To change the default number of bull values : 1 - open Racer30.ini file in the Windows directory 2 - add following line in the slot car section : BullTeeth=23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41 3 - the slotcar section will look like this : [SlotCar] BullTeeth=23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41 /.../ other key fields of the section 4 - save the file 5 - restart UR30 |
I was unable to find where the texture section is described in the help file? Open the online help, then search for "Texture syntax" in the help index, then select corresponding page. Texture formats are described there. |
What's the development tool used to developed UR30? UR30 is developed with Visual Studio.net in MFC/C++/C. C is used to manage all hardware interfaces. |
How to merge several track libraries together? You can use Exclusive and Universal libraries by loading them separately then make your changes. If you want to create only one library, you can create a new library file merging these 2 libraries. The libraries are located in folder "library" in ur30 installation folder (racer). These are text files => you can edit them with the notepad. The library header contains the library defaults (name, default size, full description). Then each section corresponds to a track definition. So create a copy of one existing library, then add to this file the other library track section definitions with copy & paste, change the file name & library name. Then save. Next time you'll open the library loading dialogue you'll see your new library. |
The real life section tracks u use are in
plastic, so you can 'force' to join them : Track layout designers use software track sections... they're not in plastic so you can not force them to have a perfect attach, except in some cases where the track layout are perfectly symetrical (like the "8"). |
So far I did not find a way to display the current fuel level during the race. Is there a way? Yes : enable the refuel feature in the race setup view. The refueling speed and the slot car average number of laps between 2 refuels at the pit stop are configured for each slot car in the main slot car view. By default the refuel speed is setup to 5 seconds and the lap autonomy to 5 (with an average speed of 3 m/s). |
Track lengths are not correctly converted from meters to feet in the race system. Indeed I sent an official enhancement request to the US and British gouvernements to migrate from the old empire measurement system to the metric system. After a great dinner with Mr G.W Bush and Mr T. Blair at the White House we agreed after several hours of hard negotiations it would be easier first to fix the bug in UR30. Fixed in rev 3.0.11.
Why can't I copy the track layout into the "picture" screen of the race setup? The process is manual. |

Race Manager
Let's Race
Ultimate Racer's race manager handles all kinds of races, from simple one-off races and test runs, to full tournaments, race events and extended championships, with up to 60 drivers.
The timing system provides ultimate precision with timing accurate to 1/1000 of a second, for both analogue and digital systems.

Pit Lane
Manage Cars and Drivers
Ultimate Racer provides comprehensive tools for managing your slot car collection however large or small. All the details, reports, maintenance, and race stats.
It also helps you to keep track of all your drivers, with features to show in depth performance statistics and race results.

Track Layout Editor
Design your Track
Ultimate Racer's track layout editor is a powerful and accurate track designer, suitable for all types of slot track.
Its user friendly interface makes it intuitive to use; you handle track section like real ones.
It also has new and improved 3D features which allow you to plan track elevations, and 3d models which allow you to plan your scenery.
You can also download hundreds of track designs completely free from our track archive or from our Facebook page, or you can upload and share your own.