Ultimate Racer

Race Event

Race Event

A race event allows up to 60 drivers and their slot cars to compete through a set of heats.

To open the Race Event screen -

  • Race Event ButtonClick on the Race Event button in the Leftbar or on the Home Page
  • Views Menu Race EventOr choose "Prepare and run a race event" from the Views list in the Header Menu
  • Or press F7 on your keyboard F7


The race event main screens are:

  • The race event setting screen: that's where you configure the race event builder to generate race event heats
  • The heat sequence screen: it displays race event heats
  • The score screen: current driver and team scores

Race Event - Settings

The heat starting grids are generated by Race Event builder. Many race formats are described here

Race Event Builder

Race Event - Heat Sequence

Displays race heats and their status.

The heat screen also display driver per heat and starting position/lane per heat grids.

Race Event - Heat Sequence

Race Event - Scores

Displays driver scores and completed heats.

Race Event - Scores

Race Event - List

The race event list allows you to select and restore the last saved/played race events. Just select a race event to restore it.

The current race event is automatically saved.

Race Event List

The Race Event List displays current selected circuit race events.